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Term-Based Volunteer Opportunities (1-3 years)



Deputy IFHIMA Representative

Seeking a knowledgeable HIM professional, and AHIMA member in good standing, willing to serve as a goodwill ambassador for AHIMA and the United States, with the ability to travel. If you fit this description, consider applying to serve as the US Deputy Director to the International Federation of Health Information Management Associations (IFHIMA). AHIMA is a member of IFHIMA, and AHIMA’s Board of Directors is seeking a secondary representative for a three-year term. Applicants should have a minimum of 10 years of experience as an AHIMA member and the ability to travel for IFHIMA business when necessary. They also should be excellent communicator, spokesperson, and advocate for AHIMA and the advancement of HIM in the US and worldwide. 

Read the full description of the position and selection process.


Applications are open December 12, 2022 – January 10, 2023. 

Apply Now!

CCHIIM At-large Commissioner

Term: January 1, 2023-December 31, 2025

The Commission on Certification for Health Informatics and Information Management (CCHIIM) is a standing commission of AHIMA dedicated to assuring the competency of professionals practicing health informatics and information management (HIIM). CCHIIM provides strategic oversight of all AHIMA certification programs.

CCHIIM holds the sole and independent authority in all matters pertaining to both the certification and ongoing recertification (certification maintenance) of HIIM professionals.

By establishing and enforcing the standards and procedures for certification and recertification of HIIM professionals, CCHIIM serves these professionals as well as the public.

An applicant applying for the role of a CCHIIM At-large Commissioner shall have the knowledge and skill sets required to ensure functional continuity of CCHIIM.

New Commissioners must be available to commit to attending:

  • New member orientation
  • Workgroup and committee meetings
  • CCHIIM meetings

At-large Commissioners (nominees must meet all criteria as defined below):

  • Health Informatics and Information Management (HIIM) Competence: Currently AHIMA-credentialed in good standing and has been AHIMA certified for a minimum of five years.
  • Representative commissioners must be current members of AHIMA and maintain membership throughout their service. At-large commissioners are not required to be members of AHIMA.
  • HIIM-relevant work: Currently performs HIIM-relevant work and has a minimum of five years or more performing HIIM-relevant work.
  • Leadership Experience: Has documented successful volunteer leadership experience which can be demonstrated through participation in HIIM and other, non-HIIM organizations or associations.

Any AHIMA Certified Professional who currently performs or represents any of the following exclusions, even though they may meet all the aforementioned requirements, will be deemed temporarily ineligible for nomination to CCHIIM, until such time that the exclusion can be deemed no longer active. Such exclusions must be maintained during time of service on the CCHIIM.

  • Currently serves on the AHIMA Board of Directors
  • Currently serves on the AHIMA Foundation Board
  • Currently serves on the Commission on Accreditation for Health Information and Informatics Management Education (CAHIIM) Board of Directors, the Council for Excellence in Education (CEE), or is a paid AHIMA staff member

Note: Individuals currently serving their CSA as an officer or in the House of Delegates or serving on a National AHIMA or affiliate volunteer group are eligible for nomination to CCHIIM but must complete their term or put in writing that they will resign from their current position prior to the start of the CCHIIM term. Individuals may not participate in such capacities during their time of service on the CCHIIM.

Any AHIMA Certified Professional who meets all the following will be eligible for nomination as an At-large CCHIIM Commissioner:

  • Participation: Potential nominees understand and agree to abide by CCHIIM prescribed standards for participation and conduct as documented in the AHIMA Volunteer Position Summary for Members with respect to all CCHIIM activities.
  • Ethics and Conduct: Potential nominees are made aware that if appointed must adhere to all CCHIIM governance policies and procedures. This includes, but is not limited to, reviewing, attesting, and signing all CCHIIM documentation with respect to confidentiality, declarations of conflict(s) of interest and dualities, all state and federal laws, and intellectual property rights, as applicable, and as set forth in the CCHIIM Policy and Procedure Manual.

  • HIM Industry knowledge/experience
  • Understanding of the healthcare ecosystem and the impact on AHIMA and the HIM profession (including policy and legislation)
  • Experienced in a field or endeavor that contributes to the disciplines that affect AHIMA and the HIM profession (i.e., advocacy, certification, CDI, coding, compliance, corporate management, information technology, privacy and security, public policy, and revenue cycle)
  • Understanding of members’ demographics and needs
  • Innovator, change transformation leader
  • Strategic thinker; Adept at strategic planning
  • Knows the difference between policy decisions and operations, knows how to differentiate the important from the unimportant
  • Creative problem solver
  • Experience leading and managing teams, ability to work with and be supportive of staff
  • Knows how to be a team player: when to listen and when to speak up and ability to work to build consensus through collaboration
  • Effective communication and presentation skills
  • Ability to work with diverse groups and ideas in a constructive way, respects diversity and fosters inclusion
  • Possesses openness, transparency, honesty, is optimistic yet realistic, and subscribes to and practices a high moral standard
  • Values personal growth and learning, particularly covering matters confronting the CCHIIM and AHIMA, is personally challenged by what is best for AHIMA and the profession, accepts that the CCHIIM exists to serve the public (not limited to the AHIMA membership), understands the complexity of challenges facing AHIMA
  • Able to be decisive and comfortable with large-scale decisions, as well as adapt
  • Future thinking (awareness of emerging roles and functions)
  • Healthcare industry knowledge (not just HIM)
  • Understanding of the role of lifelong learning, continuing education, and workforce/professional development
  • Global market perspective in HIM is a plus

Council for Excellence in Education (CEE) Workgroup(s)

The Council for Excellence in Education (CEE) exists to improve and adapt the education strategy for health information and related professions, focused on future opportunities and challenges. Responsible for fostering support and adoption of new initiatives and improvements to curriculum, credentials, academic programs, and resources. Focus on the changing needs of the students and working professionals and consider innovative ways of providing world-class education in HIM.

CEE Workgroups are directed by CEE strategy and may include initiatives such as CourseShare, STEM, AOE, student recruitment, building the HI pipeline, Academic Research Review, Faculty Development, Program Resources, and more.

Varies based on project.

  • Long Term (1-2 years) Example: Academic Research Review Committee, Faculty Development, Program Resource Workgroup

  • Develop activities and programs specific to assigned workgroup purpose
  • Make recommendations to the CEE for approval

  • Member of AHIMA who demonstrates AHIMA’s Core Competencies for Volunteers
  • Ability to work with diverse groups and ideas in a constructive way, respects diversity, and fosters inclusion
  • Possesses openness, transparency, honesty, is optimistic yet realistic, and subscribes to and practices a high moral standard
  • Regular and reliable internet access

Exam Development Committee

Serve as a subject matter expert to help test development team in planning, coordinating, and executing changes and maintenance of certification exams. The Exam Development Committee works on various projects throughout the year for item writing, item reviewing, form review.

December 2021 – December 2024 (3 years)

  • Attend monthly EDC meetings
  • Participate in various exam development projects
  • Act as subject matter expert for certification exam and provide insight into best practices for practicing professionals

  • Must be able to sign a confidentiality agreement and conflict of interest agreement
  • Must not be during the term of service and for two years following the end of the service, directly involved in the development or delivery of any examination preparation program or product designed or intended to prepare individuals to take the certification examination the subject matter expert was involved in

Practice Councils

Monitor and provide AHIMA with expertise related to clinical documentation integrity (CDI) and clinical foundations. This Practice Council will serve as subject matter experts and participate in evaluating and recommending AHIMA domain-specific educational resources.

Time Requirement:
12 months, January – December 2023


Monitor and provide AHIMA with expertise related to data structure, coding, content, and information governance. This Practice Council will be comprised of subject matter experts that will participate in evaluating, recommending, and potentially lending their expertise in the creation of AHIMA domain-specific educational resources. Council may address:

  • Clinical coding and management and use of coded data
  • Future health information management roles and functions relating to clinical terminologies and classification systems
  • Current and future strategies necessary to address expanded clinical terminology and classification use
  • Development of educational resources to prepare HIM professionals for current and future roles in the use and management of coded data and terminology asset management.
  • Software applications and technology related to health information such as encoders, groupers, computer assisted coding, speech recognition, ROI, EHRs

Time Requirement:

12 months, January – December 2023


Monitor and provide AHIMA with expertise related to healthcare analytics and data use. This Practice Council will serve as subject matter experts and participate in evaluating and recommending AHIMA domain-specific educational resources.

Time Requirement:

12 months, January – December 2023


Monitor and provide AHIMA with expertise related to information protection. This Practice Council will serve as subject matter experts and participate in evaluating and recommending AHIMA domain-specific educational resources. Council members will advise on industry’s challenges, trends and best practices on operations as they relate to access, disclosure, archival, privacy and security of protected health information (PHI) to support AHIMA mission to empower people to impact health. This Practice Council will assist AHIMA in developing educational resources to prepare HIM professionals in all areas of information protection.

Time Requirement:

12 months, January – December 2023


Monitor and provide AHIMA with expertise related to revenue cycle management. This Practice Council will serve as subject matter experts and participate in evaluating and recommending AHIMA domain-specific educational resources.

Time Requirement:

12 months, January – December 2023

Advocacy and Policy Council


The purpose of the Advocacy and Policy Council is to advise AHIMA leadership and the AHIMA Board of Directors on critical areas for AHIMA strategic engagement in advocacy and public policy that align with the AHIMA mission and vision.

Time Requirement:

12 months, January – December 2023

Professional Certificate Approval Program (PCAP) Review Team


The PCAP Review Team is composed of individuals who review submitted PCAP applications/self-study documentation and make recommendations to the PCAP Council regarding program approval. The PCAP Council is composed of coding subject matter experts holding a qualifying credential who have previously served as PCAP Reviewer.

Time Requirement:

24 months, January 2023 – December 2024

Annual Conference Program Committee


Construct superior professional development offerings that are market-driven, align with AHIMA strategic initiatives, utilize evolving technology to enhance audience engagement and learning, allowing for this event to launch successful, professional, and lifelong learning journeys.

Time Requirement:

12 months, October 2022 – October 2023

Fellowship Committee


Recognize significant and sustained contribution to advance the profession through meritorious service, excellence in professional practice, and through innovation and knowledge sharing. Secure the application and scoring for candidacy and Fellow status.

Time Requirement:

12 months, January – December 2023

Professional Ethics Committee (PEC)


Improve members’ and certificants’ professional position by developing content for education. Protect and maintain high level of ethics for the profession by use of the ethics violation review process. Preserve the relevance and applicability of the Code of Ethics by continued review and revision based on the changing environment. Define member eligibility and accountability.

Time Requirement:

12 months, January – December 2023

Nominating Committee


To identify and solicit candidates for effective leadership of AHIMA Board of Directors, CCHIIM, CEE, the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and the Nominating Committee.  This is accomplished by soliciting for, reviewing, interviewing, and selecting qualified candidates.  Enhance AHIMA leadership development and member engagement initiatives by improving the process for identifying volunteers to fulfill leadership positions and fostering diversity and inclusion.  Suggest improvements for the voter experience and increasing voting rate.

Time Requirement:

12 months, January – December 2023

Communications Advisory Circle


The Communications Advisory Circle provides feedback, advice, and opinions with the AHIMA Strategic Communications team. Their perspective is invaluable as the team works to reach members in new and creative ways. By sharing their thoughts on strategy, messaging, communications channels and more, the Communications Advisory Circle will help AHIMA remain the leading voice in health information.

Time Requirement:

12 months, January – December 2023

Emerging Professionals Advisory Council


Advise AHIMA on strategic membership value opportunities for students, new graduates, and emerging professionals.

Time Requirement:

12 months, January – December 2023

Membership Advisory Council


Advise AHIMA on strategic membership value opportunities to promote benefits to existing and prospective members and enhance member engagement.

Time Requirement:

12 months, January – December 2023

The Journal of AHIMA Editorial Advisory Council


The Journal of AHIMA is the official publication of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). It delivers best practices in health information management and keeps readers current on emerging issues that affect the accuracy, timeliness, privacy, and security of patient health information.
The Journal of AHIMA Editorial Advisory Council is tasked with advising on the direction of the Journal’s content and overall themes. The council’s goals are in line with the AHIMA mission, which includes:
  • Ensuring the quality and integrity of health information that supports accurate and timely decisions about patients’ health and healthcare.
  • Empowering patients and their caregivers the ability to access and share health information with the confidence that it is private and secure no matter where that information lives.
  • Identifying and supporting efforts to address underlying causes in healthcare that keep patients from being at the center of care.


Time Requirement:

12 months, January – December 2023, meetings monthly, as needed

Elected Positions

AHIMA elected positions are positions for which members apply, are vetted by the Nominating Committee, selected for the ballot, and then voted on by the association's Professional members. Each position has a term of office, which is usually three years.

Elected positions are leadership roles on the AHIMA Board of Directors, the Speaker-elect of the House of Delegates, the Commission on Certification for Health Informatics and Information Management (CCHIIM), and the Council for Excellence in Education (CEE). Applications for elected positions are due March 31. All required documents must be included. The election takes place in July, and the winners will take office on January 1. View the AHIMA Election timeline for more details. 


The President/Chair leads the board of directors, which governs the association, sets strategy, budget, and maintains fiduciary oversight. The President/Chair serves as an ex-officio member of all volunteer groups.

The Directors serve as voting members of the Board of Directors (BoD) as well as voting members of the House of Delegates. The Board of Directors governs the association, sets strategy, budget, and guides fiduciary oversight. Members of the Board are also called upon to represent the association at meetings and to speak on behalf of AHIMA and the health information profession.

The Commission on Certification for Health Informatics and Information Management (CCHIIM) serves the public by establishing, implementing, and enforcing standards and procedures for certification and recertification of health informatics and information management (HIIM) professionals.

CCHIIM is looking for candidates who hold one of the following credentials: RHIT or CHDA.

The AHIMA Council for Excellence in Education™ (CEE) was created to enhance the health information profession, plan for its future through education, and provide HI professionals with a way to get involved in the process. The CEE advises AHIMA on education and workforce matters and their collective expertise strengthens the organization’s vision, mission, and strategies set by the AHIMA Board of Directors.

CEE is looking for Masters and Associates level educators.

The Speaker-elect supports the House of Delegates (HoD) and along with the Speaker, leads the House Leadership Team and serves on the Board of Directors as Speaker functioning as the primary liaison between the HoD and BoD. The HoD annually elects a Speaker-elect.

The elected officials will assume office on January 1 of each year. The AHIMA Nominating Committee places a high priority on diversity, seeking candidate diversity at the national level.

For more details on the elected positions, please refer to the Handbook on AHIMA Elected Positions.

Please note, individuals currently serving their CA as an officer or in the House of Delegates or serving on national volunteer groups are required to resign from the position if elected.

Before applying, applicants should assess the level of their leadership skills and abilities with the AHIMA Volunteer Leadership Competencies Self-Assessment tool (printable self-scoring PDF version). Also, all applicants submitting a nomination for the Board should review the AHIMA Board of Directors Competencies and determine their qualifications. Applicants submitting a nomination for CEE and CCHIIM should review: the CCHIIM Competencies and the CEE Competencies determine their qualifications.

For additional information on AHIMA’s elected positions and how to apply, contact

Diversity and Inclusion Statement

The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Enterprise is committed to embracing the diversity of our staff, members, volunteers, and other stakeholders, and supports the need for equity and inclusiveness in our organization, our profession, and in advocating for improved healthcare that is broadly accessible and equitable to all individuals.

AHIMA’s mission is Empowering People to Impact Health®. To support this, AHIMA is committed to striving for equity for all patients and members. Equity for our patients means that everyone has access to healthcare without differences in access, treatments, or outcomes for certain populations. AHIMA is working across the healthcare landscape to educate, align, and advocate for purposeful and informed strategies that safeguard privacy, reduce cost, improve quality of care, and foster a patient-centered experience that is broadly accessible and equitable to the communities the health system serves.

At AHIMA a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace is one where all staff, members, volunteers, and other stakeholders feel valued and respected, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, military/veteran status, sexual orientation or identity, education, or disability or on any other basis included in applicable state or federal laws.


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