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Katia V. López Martinez, MS-HIM, RN-BSN

Katia Lopez


My name is Katia V. López, from San Juan, Puerto Rico. I completed a B.S in Nursing at the International University, Metropolitan Campus. I'm a Registered Nursing in Puerto Rico with a clinical experience and knowledge in utilization department, moving trow knowledge in utilization, I got passionate about ensuring compliance with the clinical documentation in the health care record and so I decided to pursue a master in Health Information Management at the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus.

During my time in my master, I had several opportunities such has coordinating with the university program the 1st Walk "Muévete con nostros Puerto Rico" Parkinson 2023 activity integrating the participation of my colleagues student in promoting PHI and PHR. I got the opportunity to be the student liaison in PRHIMA and promote the participation of the student in the association and be able to achieve an increase in student active membership and participation. I am committed to bring my clinical experience and knowledge to provide a better quality in health care to patients

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