Grissel Pabón, MS, RHIA, CDIP, CCS, CCS-P
Grissel Pabon, MS, RHIA, CDIP, CCS, CCS-P is the RADV Manager at Medical Card System (MCS), Inc. in San Juan, Puerto Rico. For the past 31 years, she has served many positions within the Puerto Rico HIMA, including two separate terms as president. Pabon has been a member of AHIMA’s Nominating Committee, Triumph Awards Committee, Diversity Task Force, FORE Scholarship Review Committee and Revenue Cycle Management Practice Council, as well as eight terms as CSA Delegate. She has ample experience in diverse HIM settings, including acute care hospitals and the PR QIO, and has also participated as a speaker in topics related to classification systems, coding, documentation, risk adjustment methodology, and privacy and security.
Hear from Grissel Pabón
Position Statement Question
AHIMA’s mission is empowering people to impact health®. What distinctive expertise and experience do you have to contribute to AHIMA’s mission?
I have been a Health Information professional for over thirty years, and to this date I feel extremely passionate about my profession, serving not only the organizations for which I have been employed, but also, with AHIMA and PRHIMA, my component association. I wholeheartedly believe the best way to empower people to impact health is through education. In my professional and volunteer roles it has been a mission of mine to contribute to the growth and development of my team, my colleagues, and the healthcare community, in general. Not only have I developed and provided educational programs on health record documentation, coding, and auditing for the HIM and Medical staff at the healthcare organizations, but as part of my role within my CA, I have also been involved in island wide coding education initiatives. Most recently, in November 2022, as Chair of the Coding Committee, I organized PRHIMA’s 1st Coding Congress which was a complete success and received incredibly positive feedback from the participants. Furthermore, I enjoy providing mentorship to new coders in order to develop their skill set and encourage them to pursue AHIMA coding certifications. It brings me great satisfaction to help others grow in knowledge and, as a result, impact our healthcare systems.